Saturday, March 17, 2012


"I support  all efforts to protec the security of the state of Israel" said Mr Anwar, although he stopped short of saying he would open diplomatic ties with the Jewish State, a step which he said remain contingent on Israel respecting the aspiration of Palestinian" WSJ. 

Nik Aziz faham maksud ayat tersebut, Azmin Ali Faham, Majlis Syura PAS faham. Nurul Izzah lagi faham. Obama pun faham tu. Mudah je ayat tu. Semua orang faham, tetapi agak menghairankan juga apabila ahli-ahli Parliamen sanggup bertegang leher untuk mencari maksud yang tersurat dan tersirat dalam kenyataan tersebut.

"Putar dan belit???", siapa yang putar dan siapa pula yang belit. Baca habis ke, baca separuh ke, maksudnya tetap sama, Nuar menyokong segala usaha untuk menjaga keselamatan Israel, kalau perlu gugurkan bom atom ke atas Ghaza, gugurkanlah, asalkan Israel selamat.

Mana ada Utusan putar belit, mana ada UMNO putar belit, mana ada Nahdatul Ulama putar belit, mana ada ABIM putar belit. mana ada???   

Apa komen pembaca jika sekiranya penutur ayat ini ialah orang lain misalnya, lihat di bawah:

"I support  all efforts to protec the security of the state of Israel" said Mr Putin, although he stopped short of saying he would open diplomatic ties with the Jewish State, a step which he said remain contingent on Israel respecting the aspiration of Palestinian"

Bagus statemen Nuar tu..
"I support all efforts to protec the security of the state of Israel" said Mr Ibrahim Ali Perkasa, although he stopped short of saying he would open diplomatic ties with the Jewish State, a step which he said remain contingent on Israel respecting the aspiration of Palestinian" Kalau ini mahu tak cukup ruang dalam harakah dan Sinar atau blog untuk kutuk ni.

"I support all efforts to protec the security of the state of Israel" said Dr Mahathir Mohammad, although he stopped short of saying he would open diplomatic ties with the Jewish State, a step which he said remain contingent on Israel respecting the aspiration of Palestinian"

Dalam soal keselamatan Israel bagi Nuar tidak ada kompromi, tidak ada dolak daleh dan tidak ada dakwa dakwi..sokong!!!!! Dalam menjalin hubungan diplomatik ada syarat iaitu Israel mesti menghormati hak-hak Palestine.

Negara Islam je yang menyanggah dan menyampah dengan kenyataan Nuar tu, selebihnya memuji, gembira dan kata bagus. Jurusalem Post lagi puji. Jadi tak perlulah nak bertegang leher kalau dah kantoi, kalau dah terjebak tu. Memang itu yang ada dalam kepala Nuar tu demi dana!!!!.

Jokiden nak tukar sikit ayat tu:

"I support all efforts to protec the security of Proton" said Mr Nazmi Salleh, although he stopped short of saying he would buy one P3-21A model, a step which he said remain contingent on Syed Mokhtar Albukhary respecting the aspiration of Tun M to get rid of Syed Mohammad.

  P4 22B
"I support all efforts to build a second Penang Bridge" said Mr Pak Lah, although he stopped short of saying he would take his P3 21A overthere a step which he said remain contingent on LGE respecting the aspiration of the people..

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